reprogramme your limiting beliefs

reprogramme your limiting beliefs

belief /bɪˈliːf/


  1. an acceptance that something exists or is true, especially one without proof.
  2. something that you hold to be true, not necessarily what's in reality.

our beliefs are like invisible compasses leading us to either desirable or undesirable results. The self limiting beliefs can be well hidden, and sometimes it's only after years we realise that we are repeating the same pattern - like a moth to the light. Accepting that negative beliefs have had a harmful effect on us is the first major step. Transforming our lives and breaking free from the pattern that has been sabotaging our success and ultimate happiness and connection.

Dr Bruce Lipton explains that 95% of our life comes from the programmes of our first 7 years of life. The brain of a child under 7 is at lower vibrational frequency, a lower vibration than consciousness called Theta. Epigenetic control means control above the genes. Our perception of the environment changes our genetic activity. Another way to understand is in this example where he says: Education is what you choose to learn or experience, not what someone else says you need to know - that’s programming.

victim to mastery - genetics to epigenetic: what this actually means is (and has been proved) that we are not slaves to our genetic, we hold the power to change ourselves.

unleash the power within - everything in your imagination is real…. think about that for a moment…. that means that what you can imagine you can create. I have discovered there are ways to make this a reality. One of those ways is PSYCH-K®, I have witnessed real results of transformation in myself and others. Read about PSYCH-K® and how it could help you here..

please join my telegram channel where I share interesting information about epigenetics and more around this subject, here..